City Pageant – 2/29
For contestants wishing to compete at the Tennessee State Youth Conference, the City Pageant will be hosted by Jackson Street Church of Christ on Saturday, February 29, 2020, at 10 AM.
Youth Service Project – 2/29
There will be a Community Service Project for youth ages 12-up on February 29, 2020 from 11:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Please meet at the church at 11:30 a.m. We will be going to the Second Harvest Food Bank Center in Metro Center. The sign-up and waiver forms will be at the Welcome Center. Thanks, Service Project Committee
K.S. London/Lizzie Ransom Scholarship Application Deadline – 4/26
Attention High School Seniors: The K.S. London/Lizzie Ransom Scholarship Packets are available at the Welcome Center. The deadline for turning the packets into the Committee is Sunday, April 26, 2020. If you have questions, please see Sister Sharon Sanders.
College Sunday – 3/22 (Cancelled)
COLLEGE DAY: for Sunday, March 22, 2020, has been cancelled.
Ministry Fair – 3/29 (Cancelled)
Ministry Fair for Sunday, March 29, 2020, has been cancelled.
Funeral for Sonjie Johnson – 4/18
The public viewing for Sis Sonjie Johnson will be Saturday, April 18th at the Terrell Broady funeral home from 12 noon until 3 pm.
Services for Peggy Herring
Ladies of LACE Zoom Meeting – 5/9
The Ladies of LACE are still active. There will be a ZOOM meeting this Saturday at 10:00 AM for ladies of LACE. Sis. Donzaleigh McCord will reach out via email with the Zoom link details. If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Donzaleigh McCord at 615-474-6271.
Cloth Masks Turn-In Date – 6/6
The OWLS and the evangelism team are donating cloth masks to Meharry General Hospital. All people with sewing skills are encouraged to participate and help in this effort! The deadline to turn in masks is Saturday, June 6.
Drive-Thru Parade of Graduates – 6/7
Join us on Sunday, June 7, 2020, from 1:00 – 2:00 PM as we celebrate our High School & College graduates! We would like to encourage everyone to get creative and decorate your cars.
Line up starting at 12:30 at the Fisk Track off of DB TODD BLVD.
Look for Bro. Whitaker and Bro. Alfred Jones as they will be leading the parade.
Line up behind them, please thanks.
Reminder to put the name of the grad on your card or gift. There will be someone to collect your cards/Gift that you may have for the grads as you drive-thru. Please follow directions as you enter the parking lot from 14th Ave. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR!!
Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated as we continue to practice social distancing while still enjoying this time honoring our grads.
Thank You
Youth Staff
To our 2020 Graduates!!
We are so proud of you!
Do not be conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Shaka C.
Franklin High School
3.0 GPA, plans to attend College in the near future, studying Sports Management
Son of Ladoska H.
Morgan H.
St. Cecilia Academy
3.75 GPA, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, A/B Honor Roll
Will be studying Pre-Med at SPELMAN in the fall
Daughter of George & April H.
Maleah J.
Antioch High School
3.7 GPA, Leadership Award, Band Award
Will be studying to be an RN focusing on Labor & Delivery at NKU
After attending Nashville State in the fall
Daughter of Tracey & Jeannette J.
Kennedi Joi T.
Cum Laude
B.S. Criminal Justice
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men. Col. 3:23
Daughter of Sharon S.
Emmanuel M.
Graduate of Penn Foster High School/Homeschool
A/B Honor Roll
Son of Tammie Tubbs
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11